A Field Guide to the Birds on Banknotes

Based on the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money
Volume Three - Modern Issues (1961-1997) Third Edition
earlier banknotes based on Volume Two - General Issues, Seventh Edition (1994)
Published by Krause Publications, USA.

#number (catalog or serial)
NDno date
unpt.underprint (background printing)

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55.   100 LEKE  1993-1996. Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus on back.

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26.    500 FR.  2.1.1958-15.4.1958. Blue-green and m/c. 
		Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus at l. and 
		Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos perched on rock.

43. 10,000 FR.  10.2.1955-17.6.1957. Blue and m/c. 
110		Yellow-legged Gulls Larus cachinnans

46A.100 NF on   30.1.1958-14.3.1958. Blue and m/c. Ovpt. on #43.
    10,000 FR. 

51.  5 DINARS   1.1.1964. Violet and lilac. Similar to #26.
52. 10 DINARS	1.1.1964. Lilac and m/c. 
123		White Storks Ciconia ciconia and minaret.

56. 10 DINARS   1.11.1970. Red-brown. Peacock at r.

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31. 100 RUBLES	1919. Green on orange and yellow unpt.
		Eagle at ctr. on back.

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9.  50 GULDEN	1.1.1990. Red-brown and m/c.
		Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia.

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22. 10 DOLLARS    L.1965. Dk. blue. 
		  Caribbean Flamingos Phoenicopterus ruber on back.

38. 10 DOLLARS    L.1974. Back similar to #22
46. 10 DOLLARS    L.1974(1984). Lt. blue on m/c unpt. 
		  Caribbean Flamingos at l.

50.  1 DOLLAR     ND (1992). Dk. blue and deep violet on m/c unpt. 
                  Bahamian Parrots Amazona leucocephala bahamensis and 
                  Caribbean Flamingos at l. on back.
* N E W *
--  10 DOLLARS    1996. Similar to #46.

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 6C. 2 TAKA        ND (1989). Black on green and orange unpt. 
(31)               Oriental Magpie-Robin Copsychus saularis on back.

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#38-50 Jabiru Jabiru mycteria at r. on back.

Monetary Authority of Belize 1.6.1980
 38.  1 DOLLAR          Green and m/c.
 39.  5 DOLLARS         Red and m/c.
 40. 10 DOLLARS         Violet and m/c.
 41. 20 DOLLARS         Brown and m/c.
 42.100 DOLLARS         Blue and m/c.

The Central Bank of Belize 1.7.1983
 43.  1 DOLLAR		Green and m/c.
 44. 10 DOLLARS         Violet and m/c.
 45. 20 DOLLARS         Brown and m/c. 

 46.  1 DOLLAR  1.11.1983;1.1.1986;1.1.1987. Green and m/c. 
 47.  5 DOLLARS 1987;1989. Red and m/c.
 48. 10 DOLLARS 1987;1989. Violet and m/c.
 49. 20 DOLLARS 1.1.1986;1.1.1987. Brown and m/c.
 50.100 DOLLARS 1.11.1983;1.1.1989. Blue and m/c.

#51-57 Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus on back.

 51.  1 DOLLAR  1.5.1990;1.6.1991. Green on lt.brown blue and m/c unpt.
 52.  2 DOLLARS	1.5.1990;1.6.1991. Purple on lt.green blue and m/c unpt.
 53.  5 DOLLARS	1.5.1990;1.6.1991. Red-orange, orange and violet on m/c unpt.
 54. 10 DOLLARS	1.5.1990;1.6.1991. Black, olive-brown and 
(38)				   deep blue-green on m/c unpt.
 55. 20 DOLLARS	1.5.1990. Dk.brown on m/c unpt.
 56. 50 DOLLARS	1.5.1990;1.6.1991. Purple brown and red on m/c unpt.
 57.100 DOLLARS	1.5.1990;1994. Purplish blue, orange and red on m/c unpt.
(41)            Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus at l. 
                Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus at l. and 
                Jabiru Jabiru mycteria,  Brown Pelican Pelecanus 
                occidentalis, Red-footed Booby Sula sula, Magnificent 
                Frigatebird Fregata magnificens, Yellow-headed Parrot 
                Amazona oratrix and King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa on back.

#58-63 like 53-57 but w/segmented foil over security strip and ascending
 serial # at upper r.

 58.  5 DOLLARS	1.3.1996

 59. 10 DOLLARS	1.3.1996

 60. 10 DOLLARS	(1997). New issue 

 61. 20 DOLLARS	(1997). New issue

 62. 50 DOLLARS	(1997). New issue

 63.100 DOLLARS	(1997). Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus in hologram at l.
                Back similar to #57.

* N E W * 1999 ISSUE

 64.  2 DOLLARS (1999).

 65.  5 DOLLARS (1999).

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Bermuda Government

 23.  1 DOLLAR  6.2.1970.  Blue on brown and m/c unpt. 
(18)                       Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow

 25. 10 DOLLARS 6.2.1970.  Purple on brown and m/c unpt. 
(20)                       Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow on back.

Bermuda Monetary Authority

 28.  1 DOLLAR  1975-88.   Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow
(23)            c. 1.1.1986. Sign title General Manager at.r. 

 30. 10 DOLLARS	1978;1982. Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow on back.

1988-1989 ISSUE

 36. 10 DOLLARS 20.2.1989. Purple, blue, ochre and m/c unpt. 
(31)                       Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow on back.

 37. 20 DOLLARS 20.2.1989. Green and red. Bird at bottom r.

* N E W * 1997 ISSUE

 42. 10 DOLLARS 10.6.1997. Similar to #36.
                           Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow on back.

 47. 20 DOLLARS 17.1.1997. Similar to #37.

-->  Bermuda Monetary Authority Home Page

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 1.  1 PULA	ND (1976). Brown and m/c. 
			   African Hoopoe Upupa africana at ctr.

 2.  2 PULA	ND (1976). Blue and m/c. 
			   Grey Go-away-bird Corythaixoides concolor at ctr.

 3.  5 PULA	ND (1976). Purple and m/c.
			   Helmet Guineafowl Numida meleagris at ctr.

 4. 10 PULA	ND (1976). Green and m/c. 
			   Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri at ctr.

 5. 20 PULA	ND (1979). Red and m/c. Ostrich Struthio camelus at ctr.


 7.  2 PULA	ND (1982). Blue and m/c. 
			   Grey Go-away-bird Corythaixoides concolor at ctr.

 8.  5 PULA	ND (1982). Purple and m/c. 
			   Helmet Guineafowl Numida meleagris at ctr.

 9. 10 PULA	ND (1982). Green and m/c. 
			   Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri at ctr.

10. 20 PULA	ND (1982). Red and m/c. Ostrich Struthio camelus at ctr.

11.  5 PULA	ND (1992). Similar to #8.
			   Helmet Guineafowl Numida meleagris at ctr.

12. 10 PULA	ND (1992). Similar to #9.
			   Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri at ctr.

13. 20 PULA	ND (1993). Similar to #10.
			   Ostrich Struthio camelus at ctr.

14. 50 PULA	ND (1992). Brown and m/c. 
			   Malachite Kingfisher Alcedo cristata at ctr.
			   African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer on back.

15.100 PULA	ND (1993). Purplish blue, lt.brown and m/c. 
			   African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer at ctr.

* N E W * 1999 ISSUE

--  10 PULA	ND (1999). Green and m/c.
			   Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri at ctr.

--  20 PULA	ND (1999). Red and m/c.
			   Ostrich Struthio camelus at ctr.

--  50 PULA	ND (1999). Brown and m/c. 
			   Malachite Kingfisher Alcedo cristata at ctr.
			   African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer on back.

-- 100 PULA	ND (1999). Purplish blue, lt.brown and m/c. 
			   African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer at ctr.

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220. 100 CRUZADOS       ND (1989). Orange, purple and green on m/c unpt.
        NOVOS           Stylized Great Egret Casmerodius albus at upper r. 
                        and at upper l. on back.

222. 500 CRUZADOS       ND (1990). Hummingbird at ctr. on back.

Currency Reform (1 Cruzeiro = 1 Cruzado Novo)

224. 100 CRUZEIROS on   ND (1991). Ovpt on #220.

226. 500 CRUZEIROS on	ND (1991). Ovpt on #222.

228. 100 CRUZEIROS	ND (1992). Similar to #220, but w/new currency unit 
                        and new sign. titles. [ back ]

230. 500 CRUZEIROS   	ND (1992). Similar to #222, but w/new currency unit 
                        and new sign. titles.

235. 100,000 CRUZEIROS  ND (1992). Hummingbird feeding nestlings at ctr.

238. 100 CRUZEIROS      ND (1993). Ovpt on #235.
     REAIS on 100,000

Currency Reform, April 1994 (1 Real = 1 US Dollar)

243.  1 REAL		ND (1994). Black and green on m/c unpt. 
			Hummingbird feeding nestlings on back.

244.  5 REAIS		ND (1994). Purple and blue on m/c unpt. 
			Snowy Egret Egretta thula on back.

245. 10 REAIS		ND (1994). Dk.brown and red-orange on m/c unpt.
			Red-and-green Macaw "Arara" Ara chloropterus on back.

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104. 500 LEVA           1993. Dk.green and black on m/c unpt.
                        Seagulls at lower r. on back.

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25. 1000 FRANCS		1968-75. Blue and m/c. 
    			Broad-tailed Paradise-Whydah Vidua obtusa and flowers.

31. 1000 FRANCS		1977-89. Dk green on m/c unpt. Like #25.

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 25. 1000 FRANCS	1.1.1985. Dk.blue on m/c unpt. 
(18)			Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopica at top ctr.

 26. 1000 FRANCS	1986-. Like #18 but w/completed outline map of Chad
(19)			at top ctr.

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 94.   2 DOLLARS  1986. Brown on m/c unpt. 
(84)                    American Robins Turdus migratorius on back.

 95.   5 DOLLARS  1986. Blue-gray on m/c unpt. 
(85)                    Belted Kingfischer Megaceryle alcyon on back.

 96.  10 DOLLARS  1989. Purple on m/c unpt. Osprey Pandion haliaetus on back. 

 97.  20 DOLLARS  1991. Olive-green. Common Loons Gavia immer on back.

 98.  50 DOLLARS  1988. Red. Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca on back.

 99. 100 DOLLARS  1988. Brown. Canada Goose Branta canadensis on back.

100.1000 DOLLARS  1988. Rosa. Pine Grosbeaks Pinicola enucleator on back.

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Cape Verde

65. 1000 ESCUDOS  5.6.1992. Dk.brown, red-orange and purple on m/c unpt. 
                  Cape Verde Warbler Acrocephalus brevipennis at ctr.r.

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Central African Republic

15. 1000 FRANCS   1.1.1985. Deep blue on m/c unpt. 
                  Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopica at top ctr.

16. 1000 FRANCS   1.1.1986-1.1.1990. Like #15 but w/completed
                  outline map of Chad at top ctr.

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2.   500 FRANCS   ND (1974). Brown. Flamingos Phoenocopterus roseus, 
                  Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus, and Black
                  Crowned-Cranes Balearica pavonina at ctr. and at r.

10. 1000 FRANCS   1.1.1985. Blue on m/c unpt. 
                  Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopica at top ctr.

10A.1000 FRANCS   1985-91. Like #10 but w/completed outline map of 
                  Chad at top ctr.

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Chatham Islands (New Zealand)


Chatham Islands Petrel Pterodroma axillaris at r.
Chatham Islands Robin Petroica traversi at r. on back.

 2 DOLLARS	back	2000.

 3 DOLLARS	back	2000.

10 DOLLARS	back	2000.

15 DOLLARS	back	2000.

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 30.      1 PESO     17.8.1898. Black on yellow and pink unpt.
                     Andean Condor Vultur gryphus on back.
                     Ovpt. on #S151 (Banco Comercial de Chile)
 42.      5 PESOS    1.8.1898. Black on tan unpt. Ducks at r. 
                     Ovpt. on #S297 (Banco de Melipilla)
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus

 62.     10 PESOS    8.11.1918-2.1.1922. Brown on pink unpt. Condor at l.

 63.     10 PESOS    31.7.1922-22.6.1925. Brown on green unpt. Like #62.

 64.     20 PESOS    1919-1924. Green on rose unpt. Condor at l.

1925 ISSUE
Ovpt. with Andean Condor Vultur gryphus in bank validation stamp.
 71.      5 PESOS    10.12.1925. Blue on yellow unpt. Ovpt. on #61
 72.      5 PESOS    10.12.1925. Dk.blue on lt.blue unpt.
 73.     10 PESOS    10.12.1925. Brown. Back blue-green.
 74.     10 PESOS    10.12.1925. Ovpt. on #63.  Condor at l.
 75.    100 PESOS    10.12.1925. Black on blue unpt. Ovpt. on #66b.
 76.    500 PESOS    10.12.1925. Brown on orange unpt.
 77.  1,000 PESOS    10.12.1925. Dk. brown on violet and yellow unpt. Back violet.
 78.     50 PESOS    10.12.1925. Blue.
 79.    100 PESOS    10.12.1925. Brown.
1927-29 ISSUE
 84.     50 PESOS    1927-30. Black on brown unpt. Condor at upper l. and in seal at r.
 86.    500 PESOS    29.1.1929. Green on purple unpt. Condor at upper l.
 87.  1,000 PESOS    29.1.1929. Blue on pink and purple unpt. Condor at upper l.
1932 ISSUE
 88.      1 PESO     1932-33. Black frame, blue ctr. w/wide diagonal pink stripe.
                     120x60mm. Condor in seal at r.
1942-43 ISSUES
 89.      1 PESO     11.2.1942. Like #88 but blue frame. 124x62mm.
 90.      1 PESO      3.3.1943. Blue on yellow unpt. Condor at ctr.

Andean Condor Vultur gryphus

 91.      5 PESOS    1932-42. Blue on lt.orange unpt. Condor in seal at r. on back.

 92.     10 PESOS    1931-42. Red-brown on lt.yellow unpt. Condor in seal at r. on back.

 94.     50 PESOS    1932-42. Green. Condor in seal at r. on back.

102.      5 PESOS    19.4.1944;3.7.1946;30.4.1947. Like #91.

103.     10 PESOS    18.8.1943-20.11.1946. Like #92.

104.     50 PESOS    19.1.1944-1.10.1947. Like #94.

110.      5 PESOS    ND (1947-58). Like #91.

111.     10 PESOS    ND (1947-58). Like #92. Back red-brown or dk.brown.

112.     50 PESOS    ND (1947-58). Like #94.

113.    100 PESOS    ND (1947-56). Red. Condor in seal at ctr. on back. 

114.    100 PESOS    ND (1947-58). Red. Condor in seal at bottom ctr. on back. 

115.    500 PESOS    ND (1947-59). Blue. Condor in seal at l. on back. 

116.  1,000 PESOS    ND (1947-59). Brown. Condor in seal at l. on back. 

117.  5,000 PESOS    ND (1947-59). Brown-violet. Condor in seal at l. on back. 

118. 10,000 PESOS    ND (1947-59). Violet. Condor in seal at l. on back.

119.      5 PESOS    ND (1958-59). Like #91.

120.     10 PESOS    ND (1958-59). Like #92.

121.     50 PESOS    ND (1958-59). Green. Condor in seal at bottom ctr. on back.

122.    100 PESOS    ND (1958-59). Red. Like #114.

Monetary Reform

124. ½ CENTESIMO     ND (1960-61). Ovpt. on #119.
       on 5 Pesos
125. 1 CENTESIMO     ND (1960-61). New value on #120.
      on 10 Pesos
126. 5 CENTESIMOS    ND (1960-61). New value on #121.
      on 50 Pesos
127.10 CENTESIMOS    ND (1960-61). New value on #122.
     on 100 Pesos
128.50 CENTESIMOS    ND (1960-61). New value on #115.
     on 500 Pesos
129. 1 ESCUDO        ND (1960-61). New value on #116.
     on 100 Pesos
130. 5 ESCUDOS       ND (1960-61). New value on #117.
    on 5000 Pesos
131.10 ESCUDOS       ND (1960-61). New value on #118.
  on 10,000 Pesos
132.10 ESCUDOS       ND (1960-61). Similar to #131 but w/o wmk at r.
  on 10,000 Pesos

* N E W *
158.  2,000 PESOS    1997. Condor in seal at bottom r. on back.

159. 20,000 PESOS    1998. Condor at ctr. and in seal at bottom l. on back.

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 281. 100 PESOS   30.9.1900. Black on orange unpt. 
                             Andean Condor Vultur gryphus at ctr.

 282. 500 PESOS   28.2.1900. Brown. Large blue Eagle at ctr. on back.

 323.   5 PESOS   20.7.1915. Black on orange and m/c unpt.
                             Andean Condor Vultur gryphus at r.

 332.   5 PESOS        1922. Ovpt on #323. 

 404.   1 PESO      1959-77. Blue on m/c unpt. 
                             Andean Condor Vultur gryphus at ctr. on back.

 406.   5 PESOS     1961-81. Deep greenish black and deep brown on m/c unpt. 
                             Andean Condor Vultur gryphus at l.

 407.  10 PESOS     1963-80. Lilac and slate blue on green and m/c unpt. 
                             Andean Condor Vultur gryphus at r.

 437. 10,000 PESOS     1992. Deep brown and black on m/c unpt. 
(435)                        Native birds around antique world map on back.

 440. 10,000 PESOS     1993. Like #437.

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Cook Islands

1992 ISSUE Birds at upper r. on back.

7.   3 DOLLARS	ND (1992). Back purple, orange and m/c. 
		Blue Lorikeet Vini peruviana

8.  10 DOLLARS	ND (1992). Green and olive on m/c unpt.
		Cook Islands Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus rarotongensis

9.  20 DOLLARS	ND (1992). Brown-orange and olive on m/c unpt.
		Mangaia Kingfisher Todiramphus ruficollaris

10. 50 DOLLARS	ND (1992). Blue and green on m/c unpt.
                Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata

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Costa Rica

257 5000 COLONES 28.8.1991;11.3.1992. Aracari Pteroglossus sp. on back.

* N E W *
266 5000 COLONES 27.3.1996. Similar to #260. Aracari Pteroglossus sp. on back.

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Cyprus Warblers Sylvia melanothorax on back.

 48. 10 POUNDS  1977-85. Dk.green and blue-black on m/c unpt.

 51. 10 POUNDS  1.4.1987;1.10.1988. Similar to #48.

 55. 10 POUNDS  1989-95. Similar to #51 but w/enhanced 
(48)		security features.

* N E W *
 63. 10 POUNDS  1.2.1997;1998. Cyprus Warbler Sylvia melanothorax feeding young 
		on back.

-->  Central Bank of Cyprus

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 94. 10 KORUN   1986. Deep brown on m/c unpt. Bird at lower l.

 96. 50 KORUN   1987. Brown-violet and blue on red and orange unpt. 
(97)            Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos at l.

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43. 10 KRONER	(19)50-53. Black and olive-brown. White Storks 
		Ciconia ciconia in nest at r. Green landscape on back.

44. 10 KRONER	(19)50-74. Black and brown. White Storks
		Ciconia ciconia in nest at r. Black landscape on back.

48. 10 KRONER   (19)72-78. Black on olive and m/c unpt. 
                Female Common Eider Somateria mollissima at l. on back.

49. 20 KRONER   (19)79-88. Dk blue on brown and m/c unpt. 
                Pair of House Sparrows Passer domesticus on back.

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33. 500 FRANCS	ND (1975). Greater Flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus at r.

36. 500 FRANCS  ND (1979;1988). Flamingos. Like #33.

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East Caribbean States

23. 10 DOLLARS  ND (1985-93). Blue on m/c unpt. 
                           Brown Pelican Pelicanus occidentalis on back.

Purple-throated Carib Eulampis jugularis at upper r.

26.  5 DOLLARS  ND (1993). Dk.green, black and m/c.

27. 10 DOLLARS  ND (1993). Blue, black and m/c. 
                           Brown Pelican Pelicanus occidentalis on back.

28. 20 DOLLARS	ND (1993). Brown-violet, blue-gray and m/c. 

29. 50 DOLLARS	ND (1993). Purple, olive green and m/c. 
			   Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata on back.

30.100 DOLLARS	ND (1993). Dk.brown, dk.green and m/c.
			   Black Swifts Cypseloides niger on back.

31.  5 DOLLARS  ND (1995). Like #26 but w/redesigned corner 5's.

32. 10 DOLLARS  ND (1995). Like #27 but w/redesigned corner 10's. 
                           Brown Pelican Pelicanus occidentalis on back.

33. 20 DOLLARS	ND (1994). Like #28 but w/redesigned corner 20's. 

34. 50 DOLLARS	ND (1994). Like #29 but w/redesigned corner 50's. 
			   Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata on back.

35.100 DOLLARS	ND (1994). Like #30 but w/redesigned corner 100's.
			   Black Swifts Cypseloides niger on back.

* N E W *
36.100 DOLLARS	ND (1998). Black Swifts Cypseloides niger on back.

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126. 5000 SUCRES  1.12.1987;21.6.1991;17.3.1992;1995. Purple on m/c unpt. 
128               Galapagos Penguin Spheniscus mendiculus and 
                  Flightless Cormorant Phalacrocorax harrisi on back.

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Equatorial Guinea

16. 1000 FRANCOS	1.1.1985. Blue on m/c unpt. 
21                      Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopica at top ctr.

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74. 100 KROONI	1991 (1993). Black and deep blue on lt.blue and m/c unpt. 
		Nightingale Luscinia luscinia at lower r.

75. 500 KROONI	1991 (1993). Blue-black and purple on m/c. 
		Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica on back.

* N E W *
79. 100 KROONI	1994. Similar to #74. 
		Nightingale Luscinia luscinia at lower r.

80. 500 KROONI	1994. Similar to #75. 
		Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica on back.

81. 500 KROONI	1996. Similar to #75. 
		Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica on back.

82. 100 KROONI	1999. Similar to #74. 
		Nightingale Luscinia luscinia at lower r.

83. 500 KROONI	ND (2000). Similar to #75. 
		Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica on back.

--> Eesti Pank - Bank of Estonia

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 30. 1 BIRR  L.EE1969 (1976). Green on lt. brown and green unpt. 
                              White-throated Bee-eaters Merops albicollis and waterfall on back.

 36. 1 BIRR  L.EE1969 (1987). Like #30 but w/ornate tan design at l. and r. edges on back.

 41. 1 BIRR  L.EE1969 (1991). Like #36. Arms w/legend at r. on back.

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Falkland Islands

King Penguins Aptenodytes patagonica at l.

12.  1 POUND	1.10.1984. Blue on brown and yellow unpt.

13.  5 POUNDS	14.6.1983. Red on m/c unpt. Like #12.

14. 10 POUNDS	1.9.1986.  Grey-green on m/c unpt. Like #12.

15. 20 POUNDS	1.10.1984. Brown on m/c unpt. Like #12.

16. 50 POUNDS   1.7.1990.  Blue on m/c unpt. Like #12.

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 88.  2 DOLLARS  ND (1996). Dk.green, blue and olive-brown on m/c unpt.
(74)             Masked Shining-Parrot Prosopeia personata "Kaka" at lower l. [replacement note]

 89.  5 DOLLARS  ND (1995). Brown-orange and violet on m/c unpt.
(75)             Metallic Pigeon Columba vitiensis "Bunedamu" at lower l.

 90. 10 DOLLARS  ND (1996). Purple, violet and brown on m/c unpt.
(76)             Orange-breasted Myzomela Myzomela jugularis "Kikau" at lower l.

 91. 20 DOLLARS  ND (1996). Blue and violet on m/c unpt.
(77)             Fantail Rhipidura sp. "Manusa" at lower l.

 92. 50 DOLLARS  ND (1996). Black, red, orange and violet on m/c unpt.
(78)             Petrel Pterodroma sp. "Kacau" at lower l.


 --   2 DOLLARS  2000. Masked Shining-Parrot Prosopeia personata "Kaka" at lower l.

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115.  100 MARKAA  1986. Black on green and m/c unpt. 
		  Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus on back.

117. 1000 MARKAA  1986. Blue and purple on m/c unpt. Seagulls on back.

120.  100 MARKAA  1986 (1991). Whooper Swans. Like #115.

122. 1000 MARKAA  1986 (1991). Like #117.

118.   20 MARKAA  1993. Black on blue and gold unpt. Flying ducks on back. 
122		  Optical variable device, showing seagulls in flight,
		  at upper r. on front. 		  

* N E W *

123.   20 MARKAA  1993 (1997). Like #122. [front]

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9.  1000 FRANCS	1.1.1985. Blue on m/c unpt. 
                          Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopica at top ctr.

10. 1000 FRANCS 1986-91.  Like #9 but w/completed outline map of Chad at top ctr.

top of page


12.  5 DALASIS	ND (1991-95). Red and orange on m/c unpt.
			      Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima at ctr.

13. 10 DALASIS	ND (1991-95). Dk.green on m/c unpt.
			      Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus at ctr.

14. 25 DALASIS	ND (1991-95). Blue on green and lavender unpt. 
			      Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicus at ctr.

15. 50 DALASIS	ND (1989-95). Purple on m/c unpt. 
			      Central African Hoopoe Upupa senegalensis at ctr.

16.  5 DALASIS	ND (1996).    Red and orange on m/c unpt.
			      Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima at ctr.

17. 10 DALASIS	ND (1996).    Dk.green on m/c unpt.
			      Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus at ctr.

18. 25 DALASIS	ND (1996).    Deep violet-blue, black and blue on m/c unpt. 
			      Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicus at ctr.

19. 50 DALASIS	ND (1996).    Purple and violet on m/c unpt. 
                              Central African Hoopoe Upupa senegalensis at ctr.

top of page


56. 10 LARI          1995.    Blue-black on m/c unpt. Swallow at ctr. r.

top of page

Germany Fed.Rep.

Eagle on back.

22. 100 DEUTSCHE MARK	2.1.1960. Blue on m/c unpt.

29. 100 DEUTSCHE MARK	2.1.1970. Like #22 but different sign. and 
			legal penalty.

34. 100 DEUTSCHE MARK	1.6.1977. Like #29 but different date and sign.

41. 100 DEUTSCHE MARK	2.1.1980. Like #29 but different date
34d                     w/or w/o copyright notice at lower l.margin on back.

Note: 46.39  20 DEUTSCHE MARK   1.8.1991;1.10.1993. Green,black and red-violet on m/c unpt. 
			Quill pen on back.

top of page


27. 20 POUNDS	1.7.1995. Barbary Partridge Alectoris barbara.

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Styrelsen af Kolonierne i Grønland (State Notes)

11. 25 ORE	ND (1913). Red. Common Eider Somateria mollissima
                           on rock in water at ctr.

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Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno.

The first part of this section still has the OLD nrs.(from VOL.2 7th Ed.)

72   73   74   75   76   78   80   81   82   84   84A    86    88   
90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102
91A  92A  93A  94A  95A A97A  97A A98A  98A  99B  100A  100B 101A 
101B 102A

51(103)   52(104)   53(105)   54(106)   55(107)   56(108)   57(109)    
58(110)   59(111)   60(112)   61(113)   62(114)   63(115)   64(116)
65(117)   66(118)   67(119)   68(120)   69(121)   70(122)   71(123)   
72(124)   73(125)   74(126)   75(127)   76(128)   77(129)   78(130)
79(131)   80(132)   81(133)   82(134)   83(135)   84(136)   85(137)

* N E W *
86.   ½ QUETZAL    1993-95.        
87.   1 QUETZAL       1995.
88.   5 QUETZALES     1995.
97.   ½ QUETZAL       1998.

top of page


123. 10,000,000 PENGO	16.11.1945. Dk.green on m/c unpt. 
			Dove w/olive branch on back.

129. 10,000,000 PENGO   24.5.1946. Brown on blue unpt. Like #123.

top of page


 4.   5 KRONUR	L.1885 and 1900 (1900-06). Brown and grey. 
                Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus at ctr. on back.

 7.   5 KRONUR	L.1885 and 1900 (1912). Brown and green-grey. 
                Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus at ctr. on back.

10.   5 KRONUR	1904. Grey and violet. 
                Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus at l. on back.

11.  10 KRONUR	1904. Dk. blue. 
                Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus at r. on back.

12.  50 KRONUR	1904. Blue and grey. 
                Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus at r. on back.

13. 100 KRONUR	1904. Dk. blue. 
                Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus at ctr. on back.

top of page


65.       5 RUPIAH 1.1.1959. Blue and yellow. Sunbirds on back.

66.      10 RUPIAH 1.1.1959. Red-brown. Cockatoos on green back.

67.      25 RUPIAH 1.1.1959. Green. Great Egrets Casmerodius albus
                             on blue back.

68.      50 RUPIAH 1.1.1959. Blue and orange. White-bellied Fish-Eagles
                             Haliaeetus leucogaster on purple back.

69.     100 RUPIAH 1.1.1959. Brown and red. Hornbills on back

70.     500 RUPIAH 1.1.1959. Blue. Green Junglefowl Gallus varius on back.

71.    1000 RUPIAH 1.1.1959. Black-green and lilac. Birds of Paradise
			     on dk. blue back.

122.    100 RUPIAH     1984. Red on m/c unpt. 
                             Victoria Crowned-Pigeon Goura victoria at l.

132. 20,000 RUPIAH     1992. Black, dk.greyish-green and red on m/c unpt.
                             Red Bird-of-Paradise Paradisaea rubra at ctr.

* N E W *
135. 20,000 RUPIAH 1995(97). Like #132. Red Bird-of-Paradise Paradisaea rubra at ctr.

top of page


145. 5000 RIALS   ND (1993). Dk.brown and olive-green on m/c unpt.
                             Doves on back.

top of page


 85.      1 YEN	ND (1946). Black on lt.brown unpt. Cockerel at lower ctr.
		Back blue.

 97.  1,000 YEN	ND (1984). Blue and m/c. 
		Red-crowned Cranes Grus japonensis on back.

 99. 10,000 YEN	ND (1984). Lt. brown and m/c.
		Green Pheasant Phasianus colchicus versicolor and
                Copper Pheasant Syrmaticus soemmerringii at r. on back.

* N E W *

100.  1,000 YEN	ND (1993-). Blue and m/c. 
		Red-crowned Cranes Grus japonensis on back.

102. 10,000 YEN	ND (1993-). Lt. brown and m/c.
		Green Pheasant Phasianus colchicus versicolor and
                Copper Pheasant Syrmaticus soemmerringii at r. on back.

top of page


Birds in lower l. corner.

15.  1 POUND	ND (1989). Green and m/c.
                Short-toed Treecreepers Certhia brachydactyla

16.  5 POUNDS	ND (1989). Rose and m/c.
                Dartford Warblers Sylvia undata

17. 10 POUNDS	ND (1989). Orange-brown and m/c. 
		Eurasian Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus 

18. 20 POUNDS	ND (1989). Blue and m/c.
                Brent Geese Branta bernicla

19. 50 POUNDS	ND (1989). Rose and m/c.
                Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis

20.  1 POUND	ND (1993). Green and m/c.
                Short-toed Treecreepers Certhia brachydactyla

21.  5 POUNDS	ND (1993). Rose and m/c.
(20)            Dartford Warblers Sylvia undata

22. 10 POUNDS	ND (1993). Orange-brown and m/c. 
(21)		Eurasian Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus 

23. 20 POUNDS	ND (1993). Blue and m/c.
(22)            Brent Geese Branta bernicla

24. 50 POUNDS   ND (1993). Rose and m/c.
(23)            Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis


25.   1 POUND	ND (1995). Green and m/c.
                Short-toed Treecreepers Certhia brachydactyla.

top of page


--  1000 SHILLINGS  1995. Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis on back.

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15. 10 DINARS	L.1968(1980-91). Green and m/c. Saker Falcon Falco cherrug at l.

21. 10 DINARS	L.1968(1992). Orange-red, brown-olive and m/c. Like #15.

#26-28 Silver foiling of falcon's head at l.ctr.

26.  5 DINARS   L.1968(1994). Greyish green and red-violet on m/c unpt.

27. 10 DINARS	L.1968(1994). Purple, violet and dk.brown on m/c unpt.

28. 20 DINARS	L.1968(1994). Dk.olive-green, orange and olive-brown on m/c unpt.

Note: #23-28 Wmk: falcon's head

--> Central Bank of Kuwait Home Page

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Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca at ctr.

 1.   1 TYIYN  ND (1993). Dk.brown on pink and brown-orange unpt.

 2.  10 TYIYN  ND (1993). Brown on pale green and brown-orange unpt.

 3.  50 TYIYN  ND (1993). Grey on blue and brown-orange unpt.

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33. 3 (TALONU)  1991. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea on back.

34. 5 (TALONU)  1991. Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis on back.

39. 1 (TALONAS) 1992. Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus on back.

40. 10 (TALONU) 1992. Redwing Turdus iliacus on back.

41. 50 (TALONU) 1992. Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix on back.

top of page


77. 2500 FRANCS	1993. Red, green, blue and black on m/c unpt. 
		Grey Heron Ardea cinerea on back.

78. 5000 FRANCS	1995. Helmetbird Euryceros prevostii, Madagascar Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis
		and Madagascar Pygmy-Kingfisher Ispidina madagascariensis.

top of page


30.   5 KWACHA	1.6.1995. Red and orange-brown on m/c unpt.
		African Spoonbill Platalea alba in flight at upper l. 

31.  10 KWACHA	1.6.1995. Black, dk.blue and dk.brown on m/c unpt.
		Grey Crowned-Crane Balearica regulorum in flight at upper l.

32.  20 KWACHA	1.6.1995. Deep green and dk.brown on m/c unpt.
		Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica in flight at upper l.

33.  50 KWACHA	1.6.1995. Purple and violet on m/c unpt.
		Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens in flight at upper l.

34. 100 KWACHA	1.6.1995. Purple and deep ultramarine on m/c unpt.
		Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus in flight at upper l.

35. 200 KWACHA	1.6.1995. Brown-violet and blue-green and silver on m/c unpt.
                African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer in flight at upper l.

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37. 50 RUPEES	ND (1986). Dk.blue on m/c unpt.
                Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus at r. on back.

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Green Peafowl Pavo muticus

34. 1 RUPEE	ND (1948). Grey, lt.green and pink. Peacock at r.

36. 10 RUPEES	ND (1949). Blue and m/c. Peacock at r.

37. 100 RUPEES	1.1.1948 (1950). Green. Peacock at ctr.

38. 1 RUPEE	ND (1953). Grey, lt.green and pink. Similar to #34.

40. 10 RUPEES	ND (1949). Blue and m/c. Similar to #36.

41. 100 RUPEES	ND (1953). Green on pink unpt. Similar to #37.

42. 1 KYAT	ND (1953). Grey, lt.green and pink. Like #38.

44. 10 KYATS	ND (1953). Blue and m/c. Like #40.

45. 100 KYATS	ND (1953). Green on lt.pink unpt. Like #41.

51. 100 KYATS   ND (1958). Green and m/c. Peacock at ctr.

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97. 100 GULDEN  28.7.1977 (1981). Brown and m/c. 
                Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago at r. 
                Head of Great Snipe Gallinago media on back. 

Note: 99.   10 GULDEN  1.7.1997. Blue and m/c. Wmk: Kingfisher(Alcedo atthis ispida)
     100.   25 GULDEN  5.4.1989. Red and m/c. Wmk: Robin Erithacus rubecula
     102.  100 GULDEN  9.1.1992 (7.9.1993). Brown and m/c. Wmk: Little Owl Athene noctua
      -- 1,000 GULDEN  1994 (2.4.1996). Green and m/c. Wmk: Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus

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Netherlands Antilles

17.   5 GULDEN  31.3.1986;1.1.90. Dk.blue and m/c. 
                Troupial Icterus icterus at ctr.

18.  10 GULDEN  31.3.1986;1.1.90. Dk.green and m/c. 
		Common or Blue-tailed Emerald Chlorostilbon mellisugus.

19.  25 GULDEN  31.3.1986;1.1.90. Red and m/c. 
		Caribbean Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber at ctr.

20.  50 GULDEN  31.3.1986;1.1.90. Brown-orange and m/c. 
		Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis at ctr.

21. 100 GULDEN	31.3.1986;1.1.90. Brown and m/c. 
		Bananaquit Coereba flaveolaat ctr.

22. 250 GULDEN	31.3.1986;1.1.90. Purple, red-violet and m/c. 
                Tropical Mockingbird Mimus gilvus at ctr.

* N E W *
22c   5 GULDEN  1994. Dk.blue and m/c. 
                Troupial Icterus icterus at ctr.

28.  10 GULDEN  1998. Dk.green and m/c. 
		Common or Blue-tailed Emerald Chlorostilbon mellisugus.

29.  25 GULDEN  1998. Red and m/c. 
		Caribbean Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber at ctr.

30.  50 GULDEN  1998. Brown-orange and m/c. 
		Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis at ctr.

top of page

Netherlands New Guinea

#6-10.  Qn. Juliana at l.   Bird-of-paradise at r.

6.    5 GULDEN    2.1.1950. Blue on tan unpt. 

7.   10 GULDEN    2.1.1950. Brown on gray unpt. 

8.   25 GULDEN    2.1.1950. Green on brown unpt. 

9.  100 GULDEN    2.1.1950. Lilac on green unpt. 

10. 500 GULDEN    2.1.1950. Lt brown on gray unpt. 

# 11-13. Qn. Juliana at r., Sicklebill Epimachus sp. at l.

11.   1 GULDEN   8.12.1954. Green and brown. 

12.  2½ GULDEN   8.12.1954. Blue and brown. 

13.   5 GULDEN   8.12.1954. Lilac and brown. 

# 14-17. Qn. Juliana at r., Western Crowned-Pigeon Goura cristata at l.
Superb Bird-of-paradise Lophorina superba on back.

14.  10 GULDEN   8.12.1954. Purple and green. [back] 

15.  25 GULDEN   8.12.1954. Brown and violet. 

16. 100 GULDEN   8.12.1954. Lt. and dk.olive-brown and dk.blue. 

17. 500 GULDEN   8.12.1954. Lilac, brown and m/c.

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New Caledonia


Adhesive stamps affixed to cardboard w/handstamp: TRESORIER PAYEUR 

12. 50 CENTIMES  ND (1914-23).	Kanaka village and Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus
 (35 and 15 Cent.)		on stamps.
  Adhesive stamps

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New Zealand

#154-158 Brown Kiwi Apteryx australis at l. 

1934 ISSUE - Pound System

154. 10 SHILLINGS  1.8.1934. Red on m/c unpt. Kiwi at l. on back.

155.  1 POUND      1.8.1934. Purple on m/c unpt. Kiwi at l. on back.

156.  5 POUNDS     1.8.1934. Blue on m/c unpt. Kiwi at l. on back.

157. 50 POUNDS     1.8.1934. Red on m/c unpt. Kiwi at l. on back.

ND (1940-1967) ISSUE
158. 10 SHILLINGS  ND (2.1940). Brown. Brown Kiwi Apteryx australis at l. on back.

160.  5 POUNDS     ND (2.1940). Blue. New Zealand Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa at l. on back.

162. 50 POUNDS     ND (2.1940). Red. Tui Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae at l. on back.

1967 ISSUE - Dollar System

#163-168 Qn. Elizabeth II on face. Birds and plants on back.

163.   1 DOLLAR	  ND (1967-81). Brown. 
		  New Zealand Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa

164.   2 DOLLARS  ND (1967-81). Purple. 
		  Rifleman Acanthisitta chloris 

165.   5 DOLLARS  ND (1967-81). Orange. 
		  Tui Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae

166.  10 DOLLARS  ND (1967-81). Blue. Kea Nestor notabilis

167.  20 DOLLARS  ND (1967-81). Green.
		  New Zealand Pigeon Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

168. 100 DOLLARS  ND (1967-77). Red. Takahe Porphyrio mantelli

1981-83 ISSUE

#169-175 new portr. of Qn. Elizabeth II on face. Birds and plants on back.

169.   1 DOLLAR	  ND (1981-92). Brown and m/c. 
		  New Zealand Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa 

170.   2 DOLLARS  ND (1981-92). Purple and m/c. 
		  Rifleman Acanthisitta chloris

171.   5 DOLLARS  ND (1981-92). Orange and m/c. 
		  Tui Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae

172.  10 DOLLARS  ND (1981-92). Blue and m/c. Kea Nestor notabilis

173.  20 DOLLARS  ND (1981-92). Green on m/c unpt.
		  New Zealand Pigeon Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae

174.  50 DOLLARS  ND (1983-92). Yellow-orange on m/c unpt.
		  Morepork Ninox novaeseelandiae

175. 100 DOLLARS  ND (1981-89). Red on m/c unpt. Takahe Porphyrio mantelli

COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE, 150th Anniversary of Treaty of Waitangi
176. 	10 DOLLARS   1990. Blue on m/c unpt. Face design like #172, w/addition of 1990 Commission 
                        logo, the White Heron (in red and white w/date 1990) at r. of Qn.

1992-93 ISSUE

177.   5 DOLLARS  ND (1992-98). Red-brown, brown and brown-orange on m/c unpt.
		  Yellow-eyed Penguin "Hoiho" Megadyptes antipodes on back.

178.  10 DOLLARS  ND (1993). Blue and purple on m/c unpt.
		  Blue Ducks "Whio" Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos on back.

179.  20 DOLLARS  ND (1993). Green and m/c. Back pale green and blue;
		  New Zealand Falcons "Karearea" Falco novaeseelandiae

180.  50 DOLLARS  ND (1993). Purple, violet and deep blue on m/c unpt.
		  Kokako Callaeas cinerea at r. on back.

181. 100 DOLLARS  ND (1993). Violet-brown and red on m/c unpt.
		  Yellowhead "Mohua" Mohoua ochrocephala at r. on back.

1994 ISSUE

182.  10 DOLLARS  ND (1994). Like #178 but bright blue at ctr. behind 
		  Blue Ducks "Whio" Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos on back.

183.  20 DOLLARS  ND (1994). Like #179 but bright green at ctr. behind 
		  New Zealand Falcons "Karearea" Falco novaeseelandiae

* N E W * 1999 ISSUE (Polymer)				

185.   5 DOLLARS  ND (1999). Like #177. Yellow-eyed Penguin "Hoiho" Megadyptes antipodes on back.

186.  10 DOLLARS  ND (1999). Like #178. Blue Ducks "Whio" Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos on back.

187.  20 DOLLARS  ND (1999). Like #179. New Zealand Falcons "Karearea" Falco novaeseelandiae

188.  50 DOLLARS  ND (1999). Like #180. Kokako Callaeas cinerea at r. on back.

189. 100 DOLLARS  ND (1999). Like #181. Yellowhead "Mohua" Mohoua ochrocephala at r. on back.

-->  Reserve Bank of New Zealand Home Page

top of page


31. 100 BAISA      1995/AH 1416. Deep olive-green, dk.green-blue and purple on m/c unpt. 
                   European Bee-eaters Merops apiaster and Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis at l. on back.

top of page

Papua New Guinea

Stylized Bird-of-paradise at l and as wmk.


1.   2 KINA     ND (1975). Green and m/c.

2.   5 KINA     ND (1975). Violet and m/c.

3.  10 KINA     ND (1975). Blue and m/c.

4.  20 KINA     ND (1977). Red and m/c.


5.   2 KINA     ND (1981). Like #1. Green unpt. w/white strip 16 mm wide.

6.   5 KINA     ND (1981). Like #2. Pink unpt. w/white strip 22 mm wide.

7.  10 KINA	ND (1985). Like #3. Blue unpt. w/white strip 18 mm wide.

9.  10 KINA     ND (1988). Similar to #7 but different design elements in unpt. 
(10)			   Ornate corner designs omitted on face and back.

11. 50 KINA	ND (1989). Orange, yellow and m/c. Bird-of-paradise at upper l. 

COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE 9th South Pacific Games 1991

12.  2 KINA          1991. Black on green unpt. Similar to #5 but w/stylized 
                           Bird-of-paradise in clear circle at lower r. Plastic.


13.  5 KINA     ND (1992). Like #6 but most design elements much lighter. 
                           Serial # darker and heavier.

14.  5 KINA     ND (1993). Like #13 but w/segmented security thread and new 
			   sign. title: Secretary for Finance and Planning.


15.  2 KINA          1995. Similar to #12 but w/ornate 20th ANNIVERSARY logo at l.


16.  2 KINA     ND (1996).


--  10 KINA          1998.

--  50 KINA     ND (1999).

--   5 KINA     ND (2000).

top of page

Rhodesia & Nyasaland

20. 10 SHILLINGS	3.4.1956-1.6.1961. Reddish-brown on m/c unpt.
                        African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer at lower l.

top of page


95. 200 LEI             Dec. 1992. Dull deep brown and brown-violet on m/c unpt. 
                        Grey Herons Ardea cinerea at lower ctr. 
                        and at l.ctr. on back.

top of page

St. Thomas & Prince

 52.   50 DOBRAS   12.7.1977. Red and m/c. Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus.

 56.   50 DOBRAS   30.9.1982. Like #52 but sign. titles O MINISTRO DO PLANO and O GOVERNADOR

* N E W * 1996 ISSUE

65  5,000 DOBRAS  22.10.1996. Many-colored Bush-shrike Telophorus multicolor

66 10,000 DOBRAS  22.10.1996. African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus insularum 

67 20,000 DOBRAS  22.10.1996. São Tomé Oriole Oriolus crassirostris

68 50,000 DOBRAS  22.10.1996. Blue-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon malimbica dryas

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Seychelles Monetary Authority

14.   5 RUPEES	1.1.1968.  Dk. brown and m/c. 
			   Black Parrot Coracopsis nigra barklyi at l.

16.  20 RUPEES	1968-74.   Purple and m/c. 
			   Nesting Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus at l.

22. 100 RUPEES	ND (1977). Red and m/c. 
			   Common White-Terns Gygis alba at lower l.

23.  10 RUPEES	ND.	   Blue, green and m/c. 
			   Nesting Red-footed Booby Sula sula rubripes at ctr.

Central Bank of Seychelles

28.  10 RUPEES	ND (1983). Like #23. 
			   Nesting Red-footed Booby Sula sula rubripes at ctr.

34.  50 RUPEES	ND (1989). Blue, green and m/c. 
			   Lesser Noddies Anous tenuirostris on back.

35. 100 RUPEES	ND (1989). Red and brown on m/c unpt. Birds on back.

* N E W * 1998 ISSUE 

36.  10 RUPEES	ND (1998). Common White-Terns Gygis alba on back.

37.  25 RUPEES	ND (1998). Seychelles Blue-Pigeon Alectroenas pulcherrima on back.

38.  50 RUPEES	ND (1998). White-throated Rail Dryolimnas cuvieri aldabranus on back.

39. 100 RUPEES	ND (1998). Bridled Terns Sterna anaethetus on back.

Note: #14-35 (1968-) Wmk: Black Parrot's head Coracopsis nigra

top of page


9.       1 DOLLAR       ND (1976). Dk blue and m/c. 
                        Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana at l.

10.      5 DOLLARS      ND (1976). Green and m/c. 
                        Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus at l. 

11.     10 DOLLARS      ND (1976). Red and m/c. 
			Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus (Halcyon) chloris at l.	

12.     20 DOLLARS      ND (1976). Brown, yellow and m/c. 
                        Yellow-breasted Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis.

13.     50 DOLLARS      ND (1976). Dk.blue and m/c. 
                        White-rumped Shama Copsychus malabaricus at l. 

14.    100 DOLLARS      ND (1977). Blue. 
			Blue-throated Bee-eater Merops viridis. 

15.    500 DOLLARS      ND (1977). Green and m/c. 
			Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis.

16.  1,000 DOLLARS      ND (1978). Violet and brown. 
			Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus at l.	

17. 10,000 DOLLARS      ND (1980). Green. White-bellied Fish-Eagle 
                        Haliaeetus leucogaster at l.

top of page


16. 50 KORUN	ND (1993 - old date 1987). Czechoslovakia #96 w/black and
		yellow adhesive stamp affixed w/SLOVENSKA over arms.
                Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos at l.

top of page

Sri (Shri) Lanka

65.    5 RUPEES 26.3.1979. Grey and m/c. Flying squirrel and 
84              White-faced Starling or Sri Lanka White-headed Starling 
		Sturnus senex on back.

66.   10 RUPEES 26.3.1979. Green and m/c. Sri Lanka Grey-Hornbill
85              Ocyceros gingalensis "Tockus griseus gingalensis" in tree 
                at ctr. Bulbul Pycnonotus sp. on back.

67.   20 RUPEES 26.3.1979. Brown, green and m/c. 
86              Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon Columba torringtoni at ctr.
                Sri Lanka Magpie Urocissa ornata, tree and animals on back.

68.   50 RUPEES 26.3.1979. Blue, brown and m/c.  
87		Red-faced Malkoha Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus at r. 
		Sri Lanka Spurfowl Galloperdix bicalcarata on back.

69.  100 RUPEES 26.3.1979. Gold, green and m/c. Hill Myna Gracula religiosa
88		Barbets in tree on back.

70.  500 RUPEES 1.1.1981;1.1.1985. Brown, purple and m/c. Sri Lanka White-eye
89              Zosterops ceylonensis on back.

71. 1000 RUPEES 1.1.1981. Green and m/c. 
90		Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus on back.

81.  500 RUPEES 1.1.1987;21.11.1988;21.2.1989;5.4.1990. M/c. Similar to #70 
100		but w/clearer wmk. area, vertical silver security markings, 
		bird and borders deeper red-brown.

83.   10 RUPEES 1.1.1991. Deep brown and green on m/c unpt.
102             Painted Stork Mycteria leucocephala on back.

86.  100 RUPEES 1991-92. Deep brown and orange on m/c unpt. 
105             Rose-ringed Parakeets Psittacula krameri on back.

87.  500 RUPEES 1.1.1991. Dk.brown, violet and brown-orange on m/c unpt. 
106		Stork-billed Kingfisher Pelargopsis capensis on back.

88. 1000 RUPEES 1.1.1991;1.7.1992. Brown, dark green and purple on m/c unpt. 
107		Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus on palace lawn on back.

89.  100 RUPEES 15.11.1995. Like #86 but back brown-orange on m/c.

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24A.   2½ GULDEN      1973-78. Red-brown, lt. blue and m/c. 
                      Blue-grey Tanager Thraupis episcopus on branch at l.

24B.   2½ GULDEN      1.11.85. Like #24A but 4 lines of text above sign. title.
                      Blue-grey Tanager Thraupis episcopus on branch at l.

#40-45 1986-88 ISSUE Red-billed Toucan Ramphastos tucanus on back.

40.     5 GULDEN      1.7.1986;9.1.1988. Blue on m/c unpt.

41.    10 GULDEN      1.7.1986. Orange and red on m/c unpt.

42.    25 GULDEN      1.7.1986. Green on m/c unpt.

43.   100 GULDEN      1.7.1986. Purple on m/c unpt.

44.   250 GULDEN      9.1.1988. Blue-grey on m/c unpt.

45.   500 GULDEN      1.7.1986. Brown on m/c unpt.

#46-50 1991-95 ISSUE   Red-billed Toucan Ramphastos tucanus on back.

46.     5 GULDEN      9.7.1991. Deep blue and green on m/c unpt.

47.    10 GULDEN      9.7.1991. Red and green on m/c unpt.

48.    25 GULDEN      9.7.1991. Green and brown-orange on m/c unpt.

49.   100 GULDEN      9.7.1991. Violet and purple on m/c unpt.

50.   500 GULDEN      9.7.1991. Brown and red-orange on m/c unpt.

51. 1,000 GULDEN      1.7.1993. Black on m/c unpt.

* N E W *

52. 2,000 GULDEN          1995. 

* N E W * 1997 ISSUE 

--  5,000 GULDEN          1997. Long-billed Gnatwren Ramphocaenus melanurus on back.

* N E W * 1999 ISSUE 

-- 10,000 GULDEN          1999. Long-billed Gnatwren Ramphocaenus melanurus on back.

* N E W * 1.1.2000 ISSUE 

--      5 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Red-necked Woodpecker Campephilus rubricollis

--     10 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Green-throated Mango Anthracothorax viridigula

--     25 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Red-billed Toucan Ramphastos tucanus 

--    100 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Long-tailed Hermit Phaethornis superciliosus

--    500 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock Rupicola rupicola

--  1,000 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Royal Flycatcher Onychorhynchus coronatus

--  5,000 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Sun Parakeet Aratinga solstitialis

-- 10,000 GULDEN      1.1.2000. Ornate Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus ornatus

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13.  2 EMALANGEN  ND (1986). Brown and m/c. 
		  Purple-crested Turaco Musophaga porphyreolopha 
		  and Blue Cranes Grus paradisea on back.

15. 10 EMALANGEN  ND (1986). Blue on m/c unpt. 
                  Grey Go-away-bird Corythaixoides concolor on back.

18.  2 EMALANGEN  ND (1992). Colors and general design like #13.

20. 10 EMALANGEN  ND (1992). Colors and general design like #15.

* N E W *

24. 10 EMALANGEN  1997. Colors and general design like #15.

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61. 20 KRONOR      ND (1992). Deep purple on m/c unpt. Geese in flight on back.

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182. 50 FRANKEN    (19)78-. Green and m/c. Owl on back.

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26. 1000 FRANCS    ND (1969). M/c. Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus on back.

27. 1000 FRANCS    ND (1969). M/c. Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus on back.
		   Like #26 w/REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE ovpt. on front.

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Trinidad & Tobago

30.  1 DOLLAR   L.1964 (1977). Red.
                Scarlet Ibises Eudocimus ruber at l.

32. 10 DOLLARS	L.1964 (1977). Dk brown. 
		Trinidad Piping-Guan Pipile pipile at l.

34. 50 DOLLARS	L.1964 (1977). Brown on m/c unpt. Hummingbird at l.

36.  1 DOLLAR   ND (1985). Red on m/c unpt. 
                Scarlet Ibises Eudocimus ruber at l.

37.  5 DOLLARS  ND (1985). Green on m/c unpt. 
                Blue-crowned Motmot Momotus momota at l.

38. 10 DOLLARS  ND (1985). Brown on m/c unpt. Face similar to #32
                Trinidad Piping-Guan Pipile pipile

39. 20 DOLLARS  ND (1985). Purple on m/c unpt. 
                Copper-rumped Hummingbird Amazilia tobaci in flowers at l.

40.100 DOLLARS	ND (1985). Blue on m/c unpt. 
                Greater Bird-of-Paradise Paradisaea apoda at l.

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3.   20 SHILLINGS ND (1966). Purple. Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus

4.  100 SHILLINGS ND (1966). Green. Black Crowned-Crane Balearica pavonina.

5.  100 SHILLINGS ND (1966). Green. Like #4 but w/text: FOR BANK OF UGANDA
                             under value.

27.   5 SHILLINGS      1987. Brown on m/c unpt. Black Crowned-Crane 
                             Balearica pavonina on back.

Note: #24b and 25-34 (1986-) Wmk: Black Crowned-Crane Balearica pavonina

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United Arab Emirates

Saker Falcon Falco cherrug at l. on back.

7.    5 DIRHAMS    ND (1982). Brown on m/c.

8.   10 DIRHAMS    ND (1982). Green on m/c.

9.   50 DIRHAMS    ND (1982). Purple d. brown and olive on m/c.

10. 100 DIRHAMS    ND (1982). Red, violet and black on m/c unpt.

11. 500 DIRHAMS    ND (1983). Blue, purple and brown on m/c unpt. 
                   Saker Falcon Falco cherrug at r.

12.   5 DIRHAMS    1993/AH 1414. Dk.brown, orange and violet on m/c unpt.

13.  10 DIRHAMS    1993/AH 1414. Green and pale olive-green on m/c unpt.

14.  50 DIRHAMS    1993/AH 1414. Purple and violet on m/c unpt.

15. 100 DIRHAMS    1993/AH 1414. Red, violet and black on m/c unpt.

16. 200 DIRHAMS    1993/AH 1414. Brown, green and m/c.

17. 500 DIRHAMS    1993/AH 1414. Blue, purple and brown on m/c unpt. 
                   Saker Falcon Falco cherrug at r.

Note: #7-17 Wmk: Falcon's head

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United States

Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Act of 3.3.1843
Eagle at upper ctr. 
42.     50 DOLLARS            1843.

51.  5,000 DOLLARS            1847.

52.  5,000 DOLLARS            1847.

61.    100 DOLLARS            1861.

126.    10 DOLLARS       10.8.1861.

Eagle at l.
134.   100 DOLLARS            1862.

141.   100 DOLLARS            1863.

Eagle at l.                  
245.    20 DOLLARS        3.3.1863.

246.   100 DOLLARS        3.3.1863.

248.   500 DOLLARS        3.3.1863.

250. 1,000 DOLLARS        3.3.1863.

252. 5,000 DOLLARS        3.3.1863.

254.10,000 DOLLARS        3.3.1863.

Eagle at ctr. on back.
261.   100 DOLLARS            1882.

277.   100 DOLLARS            1922.

285.    10 DOLLARS       15.3.1864.

292.   500 DOLLARS            1864.


301.    10 DOLLARS       15.3.1864.

Eagle w/flag at ctr.
338.     1 DOLLAR             1899.

Eagle w/flag at ctr. on back.
371.     1 DOLLAR             1918.

SERIES 641 31.8.1965 - 21.10.1968. 
Eagle on back.
M57.     5 CENTS         ND (1965). Violet on blue.   

M58.    10 CENTS         ND (1965). Green.     

M59.    25 CENTS         ND (1965). Red.

M60.    50 CENTS         ND (1965). Orange. 

SERIES 692 7.10.1970 - 15.3.1973.

M83.     5 CENTS         ND (1970). Brown.

M84.    10 CENTS         ND (1970). Green.

M85.    25 CENTS         ND (1970). Blue.

M86.    50 CENTS         ND (1970). Violet.

M89.    10 DOLLARS       ND (1970). Blue.

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29. 1000 DINARA   1.2.1931. Blue-grey and brown. 
                  Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos at r.

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A1.      1 POUND	1963. Blue on lilac unpt. (Not issued)
			Ross's Turaco Musophaga rossae at l. on back.

1.      10 SHILLINGS	ND (1964). Brown. Chaplin's Barbet Lybius chaplini at r.

2.       1 POUND	ND (1964). Green. 
			Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis at r.

#23-28 African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer at ctr.

23.      1 KWACHA	ND (1980-88). Brown and m/c. 

24.      2 KWACHA	ND (1980-88). Olive and m/c. 

25.      5 KWACHA	ND (1980-88). Brown and m/c. 

26.     10 KWACHA	ND (1980-88). Blue, green and m/c. 

27.     20 KWACHA	ND (1980-88). Green and m/c. 

28.     50 KWACHA	ND (1980-88). Brown, purple and m/c. 

#29-33 Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus at lower l.

29.      2 KWACHA	ND (1989). Olive-brown on m/c unpt. 

30.      5 KWACHA	ND (1989). Brown and red-orange on m/c unpt. 

31.     10 KWACHA	ND (1989). Dk.blue and black on m/c unpt. 

32.     20 KWACHA	ND (1989). Dk.olive-green and brown on m/c unpt. 

33.     50 KWACHA	ND (1989). Red-violet and purple and on m/c unpt. 

#34-35 African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer at lower l.

34.    100 KWACHA	ND (1991). Purple and m/c. 

35.    500 KWACHA	ND (1991). Brown on m/c unpt. 

#36-39 African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer at r. Dove at lower l.

36.     20 KWACHA       1992. Green on m/c unpt. 

37.     50 KWACHA       1992. Red on m/c unpt. 

38.    100 KWACHA       1992. Dk.purple on m/c unpt. 

39.    500 KWACHA       1992. Brown on m/c unpt. 

40.  1,000 KWACHA       1992(1996). Red-violet, deep orange and dk.olive-green on m/c unpt.

41.  5,000 KWACHA       1992(1996). Purple, dk.brown and deep red on m/c unpt.

42. 10,000 KWACHA       1992(1996). Aqua, brown-violet and yellow-brown on m/c unpt.

Most scans of banknotes are from Robert Abraham's Homepage

and/or from Ron Wise's World Paper Money Homepage
7,000+ scans (front and back) of over 3,500 banknotes.

Most U.S. banknotes are from Ron Pfiester's Homepage
reference material and images related to U.S. Currency, Stocks and Bonds.

Special thanks to Rob Abraham for his valuable comments and to Marcus Turner for pointing out USA M89 and providing the scan.

This page is based on Fåglar på sedlar/Birds on banknotes by Ruud Grootenboer and Jan-Erik Malmstigen

Comments, especially on the birds we couldn't identify yet, are most welcome on one of the e-mail adresses above !

© 2000 - A Field Guide to the Birds on the Web
Last updated 15 Dec 2000
URL: https://fieldguide.tripod.com//bobn.html